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Christmas drink event at Tom Christoffersen Gallery

For the second straight year, The Danish-French Chamber of Commerce and Copenhague Accueil have in collaboration had the pleasure of hosting the last event of the year at Galleri Tom Christoffersen. With over 100 participants, there were plenty of opportunities to meet and network with people from a broad range of businesses. Both Danes and Frenchmen poured in to take part and could at the same time enjoy the artistic surroundings.

Apart from the mental stimulation, the guests were also able to caress the palate with notes of apples and a variety of secret spices in the shape of Ladegourdie’s White Christmas Glögg.

The Ladegourdie Glögg was perfectly suited for the event with its complexity of French sophisticated features with a Nordic touch and was, therefore, a perfect match for the participants.

The warm drink was a success among the guests and a perfect addition to the event.

Great thanks to Ladegourdie Vinimport and Galleri Tom Christoffersen.

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