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The French Newcomers Day 2022

The Danish-French Chamber of Commerce had the pleasure of organising a day for the French Newcomers in Denmark at the French Embassy.

Again this year, we at the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce had the pleasure of organising a day for the French Newcomers in Denmark.

We thank the French Ambassador in Denmark, Christophe Parisot, for his hospitality of welcoming us in the Embassy and giving the welcoming speech

Christophe Parisot, is a newcomer himself having arrived in Denmark less than a month ago so he knew better than anyone what challenges the Newcomers might be facing.

Also participating in the event, we had speakers from eight organisations, who welcomed the Newcomers and told them about offers and events for them to feel more at home in Denmark. Below is a list of everyone who did a presentation on the day. We thank you for your enthusiasm and engagement in the event!

- Lycée français https://lfph.dk/
- Consulat https://dk.ambafrance.org/
- Conseillers des Français de l’Étranger https://dk.ambafrance.org/Vos-representants-au-Danemark-les-conseillers-des-Francais-de-l-etranger
- Le Petit Journal https://lepetitjournal.com/copenhague
- Copenhague Accueil https://www.copenhagueaccueil.org/
- Alliance Francaise https://dk.ambafrance.org/Le-reseau-des-Alliances-francaises-au-Danemark#VIBORG
- Français du Monde  - ADFE http://adfe.dk/
- Paroisse francophone de Copenhague : https://www.facebook.com/paroissefrancophonedecopenhague/
- Eglise Réformée Française de Copenhague  https://www.facebook.com/CulteProtestantenfrancais/
- Radio Escapade https://www.facebook.com/RadioEscapade/

After the presentations, we all went to Kongens Have for a picnic lunch and a possibility for everyone to meet new people and get to know each other. The Danish weather showed itself from its best side when we ended the day with a canal tour through our lovely city of Copenhagen.

We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and we wish you all the best for your new life in Denmark!

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