
Discover ‘Vinbussen’-concept from Ladegourdie Vinimport

As many other companies in these times, the consequences of the pandemic has changed our focus towards the market for online sales. Therefore, we are now introducing our popular ‘Vinbussen’-concept with this online platform:

Through the past 5 years, ‘Vinbussen’ has been the go-to platform for our private costumers, whenever they needed wines for special occasions, wines for the season or a wine-related advice from Annelise Ladegourdie etc. Now we are happy to offer this service to the members of the Chambre of Commerce. You can find our wines and the categorized recommendations on the website.

Due to the pandemic, we focus on high costumer service, safe payment and ‘door-to-door’ delivery with no physical contact.

As a member of the Chambre, you will exclusively get 10% discount when using the code: “danish-french”.

If you would like updates on wine trends throughout the year, please feel free to sign up for our monthly newsletter here.

// Team Ladegourdie wine import

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