Bilans d’évènement
Lyngby Gymnasium visit
Wednesday the 16th of November, our intern, Rebecca, and the intern at l’Institut Français, Freja, visited Lyngby Gymnasium.
They had been invited by the school’s French teacher who wanted to inspire her students and give them a taste of what they can use French for in their future careers. These days, there’s a common narrative in the media and among the students that choosing maths at A-level is more useful than choosing a language. Of course, this is not the truth for everyone – which A-levels to choose highly depends on the students’ strong suits and what they would like to study after high school.
During the presentation, the students got to hear more about the possibility of combining their French language skills with courses in marketing, sales and consumer communication, for example by choosing to continue their studies at CBS.
In total, 50 students in their 2nd year of high school participated and some of them had come in just for this presentation since the rest of their classes that day were online. We thank Lyngby Gymnasium for inviting us and we thank the students for their attention and interesting questions afterwards. We hope it inspired some of you to further develop your language skills.