Bilans d’évènement

Retour sur... Climate Fresk workshop

On Tuesday the 22nd of August, the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce hosted at very special workshop: The Climate Fresk!

More than 1 million people across 130 countries have already taken part in the workshop, and last week an additional 13 people was added to this group, when Climate Fresk facilitator Mathieu Lamotte, came to educate the attendees on anthropogenic climate change.

The purpose of the workshop was to inform the participants on the effect human activities has on the climate, in an interactive and dynamic way (and without having to read the 3000-page IPCC report).

In the first half of the workshop, the participants’ knowledge on climate change was put to the test, when they had to create the causality chains between different climate change phenomena. The workshop was structured such that the group had to work together and collectively contribute to solving the tasks. Covering everything from forest fires, hunger, ocean acidification and greenhouse gas emissions, this part of the workshop was not exactly cheerful, but nevertheless educational, necessary, and very interesting.

After the “fresks” had been finished and the participants had gained a broader insight into the many aspects of climate change, the group was guided through graphs and data on carbon-footprint, to extent their knowledge on how everyday activities affect our environment.

Lastly, but equally important, the group discussed feelings of hopelessness associated with climate change, and how to take action in everyday life, however small and insignificant individual efforts may feel.


We would like to extent our greatest thanks to all the participants in the workshop and especially to Mathieu Lamotte, for guiding our members through this educational evening!


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