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Economic Outlook 2019

More than 80 participants had the opportunity to hear about 2019 economic prospects during a lecture by William De Vijlder, Group Chief Economist of BNP Paribas, at Gorrissen Federspiel.

It was the third time we had the pleasure to have William De Vijlder as speaker at this now traditional event “Economic Outlook BNP Paribas” organised by the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce and Benelux Business Club for the seventh year in a row.

Despite the increasing uncertainty impacting the economic context (slower growth, Brexit, gilets jaunes, US government shutdown…), William De Vijlder brought some goods news: among other things, there are never been such a high number of jobs in the Eurozone. 

William De Vijlder focused on the US economic situation and activity data, that usually anticipate the world economic trend, and reached the following conclusion: despite the slowing trend of growth and the caution of economic players, the recent activity data in the US do not show the traditional pre-recession dynamic. In 2019, a 2% and 1.4% growth is expected in respectively the US and the Eurozone.

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