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The first International Day of the Rosé wine

The 22nd of June, on the occasion of the first International Day of the Rosé wine, the French Embassy, Atout France, Connexion Française au Danemark, Business France and the Chamber of Commerce organized a rosé wine tasting at Restaurant Lalala.

A big thank you to Annai Salazar and les Grands Chais de France for allowing 80 participants to taste their Calvet Côtes de Provence. Furthermore, the guests were able to participate in a petanque game. Also a big thank you to Restaurant Lalala for their warm welcome.

Petanque, rosé wine, sun and a cocktail to develop one's network in a summery atmosphere.

Please click on the picture below to see all the pictures of the event.

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Networking  • …

Journée des Nouveaux Arrivants

Vous venez de vous installer au Danemark ? Participez à la Journée Nouveaux Arrivants : rencontrez les principales associations franco-danoises,...

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